Do you know there are numerous connections between having a more beautiful smile and better health? There is more to cosmetic dentistry than just aesthetic beauty. Cosmetic dentistry not only promotes better oral hygiene, but also enhances oral function and health. The sole purpose of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the appearance of bites, teeth and gums, and all dental works focus on improving alignment, shape, color, size and position of an individual’s gum and teeth. While most people undergo cosmetic dentistry for aesthetic purposes, there are other benefits one can get beyond the looks.
Let’s take a look at some of the most prominent ways in which cosmetic dentistry can positively affect your overall health.
It Strengthens Your Jawbone
Dental implants are used to correct missing teeth. These implants are not just used to give an individual a more attractive smile. They also help to strengthen the jawbone. The titanium posts used to root the implants in place stimulate the jawbone for stability thus, preventing bone loss.
It Improves Oral Health
Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly is required in order to maintain oral health. However, this simple task of brushing and flossing can be troublesome if your teeth are crowding and misaligned. This means that one is more prone to gum disease and tooth decays if they have crooked teeth. Orthodontic treatments such as porcelain veneers help straighten teeth not only giving the patient a healthier, straighter smile, but also improve his or her overall oral health.
It Helps You to Smile More
Cosmetic dentistry helps to improve the appearance of your teeth. When you feel confident about your how you look, you will want to smile more. We all know that smiling is good for your health. Smiling often releases endorphins and serotonin and can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. Basically, the more you smile the less likely you are to get sick and cosmetic dentistry can give you a smile you will be proud of showing off.
It Improves Your Quality Of Life
If you have missing teeth, cracked teeth or gaps between your teeth, cosmetic dentistry helps to address these imperfections. When you look better you certainly feel better. Having a high self-esteem helps you to do more and achieve more in life. In turn, this helps to improve your quality of life.
It Enhances Oral Function
The primary purpose of your mouth and teeth structure is to eat. You need to take care of your mouth as you take care of the rest of your body. The mouth is responsible for introducing food and nutrition into your body and having a strong set of healthy teeth can make a great difference in your nourishment. Having crooked teeth can make eating bothersome with all those food chunks getting stuck in between the molars. The point is that cosmetic dentistry makes eating much easier. Some of the procedures that can help enhance your oral function include Invisalign, dental bridges, gum lifts, and tooth reshaping.
You may have minor dental issues but fixing them early on can make a positive impact in your life. Start living your best and improve your lifestyle by addressing any dental cosmetic issue you might have today.