Some people are absolutely terrified of dentists. Others simply never find the time to visit one. Regardless of why you haven’t been to the dentist in a while – if ever – it’s time to start a regular regime of dental care through the services of a professional. It’s not enough just to brush and floss. Far from it. Though brushing and flossing are highly recommended and if you’re doing them, good for you!
All that said, it’s time to set up an appointment with the dentist. Not convinced? We’re going to give you some reasons why regular dental checkups are an absolute must. If you haven’t selected and therefore haven’t been seen by one in a while, we’ll recommend the top dentist in New York, following some information about scheduling dental visits.
Here’s why you should start regular dental checkups from this point forward.
Your Oral Health Is Less Affected by Bad Habits
When it comes to their teeth, almost everyone has a bad habit or two (or more). But they will wreak less havoc on your teeth and mouth if you regularly visit your dentist.
What kinds of bad habits are we referring to? Here’s a handful:
- Smoking
- Drinking coffee, red wine, and other tooth decoloring beverages
- Grinding your teeth
- Clenching your jaw
- Biting your nails
Various Oral Health Issues Are Better Dealt with If You Get Your Teeth Checked
In addition to dealing with tartar, plaque, and cavities; chipped teeth, cracked teeth, and gum disease are also oral health issues that may be faced by those not regularly visiting a dentist. If any of these occur, the best person to help you through the situation with the latest and greatest treatment options is an experienced dental professional.
During Checkups, Teeth Whitening Services Are Done by a Professional
Brushing with a good quality toothpaste helps get your teeth clean. But there’s nothing like a professional cleaning! What’s more, considerable problems may be posed by some over-the-counter teeth cleaning solutions.
For the safest and most effective teeth cleaning, there’s no one like a dentist. They also have far better teeth whitening treatments than you will find in a drugstore.
Cancer Screening
Oral cancer can be life-threatening. That’s particularly the case if it’s not treated/diagnosed early. As soon as possible, symptoms of oral cancer need to be recognized. A dental professional knows what to look for, helping you get a step ahead of this severe disease.
Prevent Plaque and Cavities – Stop Tartar From Forming
As mentioned earlier, though brushing and flossing are great – and don’t forget the mouthwash – tartar, plaques, and cavities are still a risk. To prevent them, professional dental cleaning is recommended during regular dental checkups.
Here’s the bottom line when it comes to why, starting right now, you should schedule regular dental checkups: Rather than “cure”, “prevention” is far preferable.
Need a General Dentist? Meet Dr. Alex Rubinov
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Alex Rubinov, New York City’s top cosmetic dentist. Though a large part of my practice deals with smile makeovers – via teeth whitening, dental implants, Invisalign, porcelain veneers, and more – I’m also happy to assist my patients with general dentistry. The goal, after all, is for you to have the whitest, brightest smile possible. I can help you with that. To get in touch with me, call 212-256-9546, or use our convenient online form.