The all on 4 dental implants have been around for a while and now the technique is constantly improved and perfected. It involves having just four dental implants placed in your upper or lower jaw to sustain an entire set of teeth. This procedure can solve a lot of dental problems for many people and it’s suitable for a broad range of adults. Keep reading to learn more about this procedure and what makes it so special.
The Procedure is Safe and Painless
The all-on-4 procedure involves getting a complete set of teeth that rest on just four implants. Two implants are inserted at the front of your jaw and the other two are inserted at the back of your jaw at an angle. These implants are very strong and they go straight into the bones of your jaw. As a result, they can easily sustain a new set of teeth and they are less predisposed to damage.
You might be happy to find out that this procedure is safe and painless when performed by an experienced dentist. You can replace an entire set of teeth, either the upper ones or the lower ones, and the healing time is usually very quick.
The Implants Are Made of Titanium
Few metals are stronger than titanium. You might be happy to find out that the implants that sustain your new teeth are made of this metal and they are guaranteed a lifetime. Titanium is a strong material that doesn’t rust or corrode. The four implants can easily hold the upper or lower sets of your teeth and inserting them into position is done with little to no effort.
The Procedure is Performed Under Local Anesthesia
As mentioned earlier, the dental implants are inserted into your upper or lower jaw bone to sustain a brand new set of teeth. Inserting these implants seems like a dangerous procedure, but it’s totally safe and done under local anesthesia. You won’t feel anything as the dentist inserts the implants and you can even watch Netflix while waiting for this procedure to be done.
You might experience minimal discomfort or tenderness a few days after getting your implants, but this is normal and it will pass with time.
There’s No Need to Alter Your Diet
Certain dental procedures require you to avoid eating certain foods or drinking certain beverages. This is usually a temporary precaution to protect your teeth against damage. However, the all-on-4 dental implant doesn’t involve such restrictions. You can eat whatever you want and drink your favorite drinks every day with a big smile on your face.
As you can see, the all-on-four procedure is a safe and reliable dental procedure that can take care of all your teeth problems. Although it might sound scary at first, thousands of people have already done it and they are happy with their results.
If you want to find out more about this dental service then schedule an appointment with Dr. Alex Rubinov’s clinic today. He is an accomplished cosmetic dentist in NYC and he will provide answers to all your questions related to dental implants.