What Are The Different Types Of Tooth Staining? | Dr. Alex Midtown NYC Cosmetic Dentist

What Are The Different Types Of Tooth Staining?

You love drinking coffee, eating chocolates, or sipping a cup of tea. They can relieve you of stress, somehow, and make your day even more enjoyable, to some extent. Take note, however, that all these and a lot of other things can stain your teeth, which can be embarrassing in the long run. When you are affected by this problem, you will definitely shy away from smiling at others. Of course, you already have teeth whitening in mind as the best solution to the concern. Before you even push through with that plan, it is best to know which type of tooth staining you are suffering from.

The Complexity of Tooth Staining

Tooth staining is not just simply the darkening of a tooth or the entire teeth. It is a complex condition that is categorized into two types. One is the intrinsic kind, where discoloration goes deep within the tooth, thus has the capacity to affect its outward appearance. The other kind is called extrinsic, or the type where stains emanate from food and all sorts of other substances that affect the color of outer surface of the teeth’s enamel.

Causes of Intrinsic Tooth Staining

The intrinsic type of tooth staining is brought about by numerous causes, including the use of tetracycline, an antibiotic, during early stages of tooth development. It is also connected with a history of trauma, or can be due to the type of material that has been used to fill the tooth during a cosmetic treatment.

Differences between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Tooth Staining

These two types of tooth staining can be differentiated by looking at how they appear on the teeth. When you are suffering from intrinsic staining, expect that the color can be either pink, or red, or even yellow, especially when the teeth has been fluoresced under ultraviolet light. In case only one tooth has been discolored, this means that staining is intrinsic. Extrinsic staining, on the other hand, can either be green or black or gray, but can also be occasionally orange, yellow, or green. 

How to Treat Tooth Staining

When you are suffering from extrinsic staining, using a teeth whitening home kit, or undergoing a teeth whitening procedure in a clinic, can help. You can ask your dentist about the better solution between these two depending on the severity of the problem. You will also be asked to modify your diet to exclude, or at list limit, your wine, tea, or coffee intake. You must also eliminate tobacco use, in case you are a smoker. Using a special toothpaste to diminish the stain, as well as visiting the dentist for regular cleaning and polishing is also advised.

As for those of you suffering from intrinsic staining, none of the methods that work for extrinsic staining can help. A special cosmetic dentistry procedure will be recommended. A bleaching agent will be inserted to the tooth’s interior. Cosmetic restoration techniques like the use of porcelain veneers can help cover the tooth such that it matches the color of your other teeth.

Regardless of whether you are suffering from intrinsic or extrinsic tooth staining, it is important to visit your dentist and ask help right away. That way, your tooth can be saved from further problems.

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