What Are The Different Stages Of Periodontal Disease? | Dr. Alex Midtown NYC Cosmetic Dentist

What Are The Different Stages Of Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is an inflammation of the gums that will affect and deteriorate the bone that surrounds the teeth. Gum diseases are usually caused by bacteria that are formed in a plaque. A plaque is a sticky and colorless film that forms constantly on your teeth and if it is not removed, it will solidify over time, making it harder to remove. The bacteria build-up will result in the gum tissue and bone losses around the teeth, which will result in your teeth becoming loose and falling out.

Here are the three stages of periodontal disease:

  • Gingivitis: The earliest stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. It is the inflammation of gums caused by plaque buildup over a period. When flossing and brushing are not done regularly or properly daily, the plague will produce toxins that can agitate the gum tissue. When the gums are inflamed, you will notice bleeding every time you brush or floss. During the early stage of such gum disease, it is important to take immediate action by visiting your dentist to seek treatment before the bones and connective tissue around the teeth deteriorate.
  • Periodontitis: The second stage of periodontal disease is known as periodontitis. This is where the fibers and supporting bones around your teeth are damaged and cannot be replaced. Pockets will start to form below the gumline, thus, trapping food and plaque. Proper dental treatments and good home dental practices will typically prevent further damage to your gum. 
  • Advanced Periodontitis: This is the final stage of gum disease where the bones and fibers supporting your teeth are destroyed. This will cause your teeth to loosen and have the potential to fall out. Aggressive dental treatment will be required during this stage.

Identifying Periodontal Disease

Gum diseases can happen at any age and it is commonly found among adults. Once you have identified it during an early stage, preventive measures can be taken to improve your dental health.

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

  • Gums are puffy, red, swollen, or tender.
  • Bleeding while brushing or flossing
  • Receding gum lines
  • Pockets around your gum
  • Constant bad breath or taste in the mouth
  • Pus appearing between your gums and teeth

Benefits of Regular Cleaning

Not only does regular cleaning prevents gum disease, but it prevents other chronic diseases as well. 

  • Prevent cavities and other dental health conditions
  • Reduces the likelihood of heart attack or stroke
  • Prevent diabetes
  • Decrease rate of dementia
  • Prevent bad breath

Good Dental Practice

The early stages of periodontal disease can be prevented and often improved with proper brushing and flossing daily. Practicing good oral hygiene will prevent plaque from building up. Visiting the dentist every 6 months to get your teeth checked and cleaned is important to identify any gum problems.

By scheduling regular dental checkups with us, we can improve not only your dental health but your overall health as well. Proper teeth cleaning can not only avoid periodontal diseases but help you enjoy a confident smile for a lifetime.

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