There are various reasons why teeth become discolored. These reasons range from genetics to the environment and to our lifestyle habits. Luckily, cosmetic dentists can easily whiten our teeth in a fairly straightforward and increasingly common procedure. If you are planning for or are scheduled for a teeth whitening procedure, here are some things that you can do in preparation that can help make the procedure a success.
Have Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned
It is advisable to have your teeth professionally cleaned a month or so before the teeth whitening procedure is scheduled to take place. Having your teeth cleaned ensures that all plaque and tartar buildup is removed, which in turns will make it easier for the whitening process to achieve the desired effect.
Choose Your Desired Shade
This involves identifying the shade of white that your teeth are at the moment and then determining how many shades lighter you want to achieve. Your dentist should be able to help you identify what is achievable and what is not. Depending on the current state of your teeth, the shade you want to achieve will determine how long the procedure will take. If your teeth are in a bad state and you want to go many shades lighter, the process is likely to take long.
Desensitize Your Teeth
It is normal to experience higher levels of sensitivity after a whitening procedure. For this reason, it is recommended that you start using teeth-desensitizing toothpaste several weeks before the procedure to sufficiently lower the sensitivity of your teeth. This will make the process easier on you and is likely to cause less pain. Remember that the sensitivity is only temporary and will go away after some time.
Use A Soft Bristle Toothbrush
Related to this, it is advisable to switch to a soft-bristled brush after the whitening procedure until the sensitivity dies down. Hard brushes can wear away at the enamel and thus leave the teeth more sensitive. The soft brush will also come in handy after the procedure as it will make cleaning your teeth a gentle and less painful affair.
Ensure You Have Enough Time
Teeth whitening takes time, especially if your teeth are very discolored. In that case, it helps to free up time so that you give the dentist as much time as he or she needs to do the procedure properly. This ensures that you achieve the results that you desire.
Find The Right Dentist
The result of the process will largely depend on the skill and experience of your dentist. That being the case, it helps to spend time researching on good dentists in your vicinity. You could also consider talking to friends and relatives who have undergone the procedure for referrals
Teeth whitening is a great way to achieve a fabulous smile. Making sure that you are well prepared for the process increases the probability of success. If you are in New York and looking for a cosmetic dentist to help you achieve the smile you desire, contact Dr. Alex Rubinov, a highly experienced cosmetic dentist with experience and training in cosmetic dentistry among many other skillsets. Call the practice at (718)253-0800 to schedule an appointment.