How Alcohol Affects Your Teeth | Dr. Alex Midtown NYC Cosmetic Dentist

How Alcohol Affects Your Teeth

Alcohol is one of the most popular drinks in the world. People have taken alcohol in various forms for thousands of years. The existence of hundreds of brands and varieties speaks to the continuing popularity of alcohol across the planet. Many people, however, do not entirely understand the impact that alcohol has on their teeth. In this blog article, we explain how the consumption of alcohol affects your teeth.

Most Alcoholic Drinks Have Sugar

Though levels vary, the sad truth is that most alcoholic drinks have plenty of sugar that affects the health of your teeth. Sugar does this by promoting the growth of bacteria in the mouth and teeth which eventually eat away on the tooth. This leads to sensitivity, tooth decay and even the loss of the entire tooth. To avoid this problem, always opt for drinks that have less sugar. For example, dry wine has considerably less sugar than sweet wines or sherry. Brut champagne is also a better choice than doux champagne which has more sugar content. When drinking cocktails, keep an eye on the mixers that are used. Most are made up of fizzy drinks or juices which have very high sugar content. In such cases, try to order drinks with mixers that do not have sugar or which have low sugar content.

Alcohol Dehydrates

Alcohol often leaves the drinker dehydrated. This has the effect of drying saliva in the mouth, which in turn leads to the increase of oral bacteria. This is because saliva plays a part in keeping bacteria under control and the lack of it may lead to tooth decay and periodontal diseases. The easiest way to deal with this problem is to ensure that you drink a lot of water as you take your alcohol. This helps to keep your mouth cleansed. Another way you can help boost saliva production is to ensure that you chew sugar-free gum or mint.

Alcohol Stains

Alcohol, especially dark alcohols can cause staining on your teeth. Dark alcoholic drinks include red wine and sangria. These often cause a temporary discoloration on your teeth but they do also have a long-term effect. If possible, avoid drinking these but if you can’t avoid taking a glass or two of red wine, ensure that you drink plenty of water afterward and brush your teeth later.

There are many benefits to managing the amount of alcohol you take. This is because consumption of alcohol is linked to chronic conditions such as diabetes which in turn leads to dental complications. Many of the problems above can also be mitigated by maintaining a strict oral healthcare regime that ensures you brush your teeth daily and go for regular dental exams. This helps prevent problems by catching them early.

If you are looking for an experienced New York City dentist to give your teeth regular checks, look no further than Dr. Alex Rubinov of New York City. Contact the practice at (718) 253-0800 for an appointment.

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