Composite Vs. Porcelain Veneers: Which Is Right For You? | Dr. Alex Midtown NYC Cosmetic Dentist

Composite Vs. Porcelain Veneers: Which Is Right For You?

Dental veneers can help fix teeth conditions such as chipped or broken teeth, discolored teeth, gapped teeth, and misaligned teeth. There are two types of dental veneers: composite veneers and porcelain veneers. Both do the same job, but are made of different materials and have different properties. Before discussing with your dentist about getting dental veneers, you may want to find out more about the two types of veneers. Read on to learn more about composite vs porcelain veneers, and which of these two would be more suitable for you.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are tooth coverings that are minimally invasive and sit on top of your natural teeth. They help shape your teeth and improve their appearance. Composite veneers are made of tooth-colored resin and are ideal to fix minor teeth imperfections such as small cracks or chips. This is because the resin does not need to cover the entire tooth. Composite veneers require minimal prep work on your teet and the dentist can shape the composite veneer on the spot.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin, tooth-shaped shells or ‘covers’ that sit on the front surface of your teeth. They are made from porcelain and are usually preferred for more severe teeth imperfection, such as spacing issues or severe discoloration. Your dentist would first need to file down your existing teeth. Then, impressions of your teeth would be made to be sent to an external lab to make the veneers. You will be provided with temporary veneers to wear in the meantime. Once your porcelain veneers are ready, your dentist will apply them to your teeth with adhesive glue.


Composite veneers last from five to seven years, depending on your dental habits and the amount of composite used on your teeth. With proper care, porcelain veneers can last from seven to 20 years, depending on factors such as gum line shrinkage, exposed root surfaces, and more.


The maintenance for both composite and porcelain veneers is similar. First and foremost, practice proper oral health like brushing twice daily, flossing, and using mouthwash. See your dentist regularly for checkups and cleaning. You should also avoid chewing on hard foods such as sweets or ice. Doing so can damage and crack the veneers in the same way your natural teeth can get damaged. Smoking is not encouraged as it can stain the veneers. Avoid or reduce consumption of dark-colored foods and drinks to keep your veneers looking clean. Any oral issues that could potentially damage your veneers need to be addressed. Issues such as bruxism (teeth grinding) can damage your veneers and wear them away, reducing their lifespan.


Composite veneers are generally priced at $400 to $2,000 per tooth. The price of porcelain veneers ranges from $925 to $2,500 per tooth. A full set of veneers usually involve 6 or 8 teeth and not the entire arch. This is because the back teeth are not visible when talking or smiling, and are usually not treated with dental veneers. We hope you have found the information useful in determining which of the two types of veneers would be right for you. Contact us to find out more or to make an appointment!

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