Underbites occur when the upper and lower front teeth are misaligned. Underbites cause more than aesthetic problems. For example, having an underbite can affect the way you chew food and even cause speech problems. It is important therefore to get the problem corrected as quickly as possible. One of the approaches that can be used to correct an underbite is using Invisalign. Here is everything you need to know about this effective solution to misaligned teeth.
Causes Of Underbites
An underbite may be caused by a variety of reasons. Some of the leading reasons include genetics as well as injury. For example, having a dental injury in childhood can cause the teeth to develop in a misaligned way. Another common cause of underbites is bad childhood habits such as thumb sucking and using a feeding bottle beyond infant years. Fixing an underbite can save you from poor dental hygiene as teeth are harder to clean when there is an underbite. Misaligned teeth can also cause teeth to wear out more quickly as the enamel is subjected to greater friction. People who have underbites are also predisposed to joint problems such as TMJ.
What Is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a modern approach to treating misaligned teeth. Invisalign treatment consists of using sets of custom-designed clear plastic trays that are fitted into the teeth. Invisalign trays are made of clear plastic so they are far less noticeable than the old metal braces. They can also be easily removed and fitted back again. This means that they are unlikely to trap food particles and cause dental problems like the metal braces used to. The other advantage of being able to remove them is that one can clean them properly and ensure that they do not harbor any bacteria that can cause tooth decay.
When you go to a dentist with an underbite problem, one of the options that may be suggested is Invisalign. Here is how this treatment approach is done.
Invisalign Treatment For Underbites
Your dentist is likely to start with an examination of your teeth to check for any other problems that may require fixing. For example, if you have gum diseases as well as underbite problems, the dentist may opt to start by treating the gum problem so as to ensure that you start the treatment with healthy teeth. After this, the doctor will use a series of imaging devices to get a clear road map of what needs to be achieved in consultation with you. You get a set of Invisalign trays with each set being worn for about two weeks and for about 22 hours every day. The trays slowly push the teeth back into position and ensure that they are properly aligned. Dr. Alex Rubinov is an experienced dental practitioner in New York. The practice offers a range of services including teeth whitening, smile makeovers, cosmetic dentistry, and orthodontics, to name but a few. Contact the team at (718) 253-0800 for an appointment.