Are You Prepared For A Smile Makeover? | Dr. Alex Midtown NYC Cosmetic Dentist

Are You Prepared For A Smile Makeover?

Investing in cosmetic dentistry to get the smile of your dream might not be as far-fetched as you think. These days, depending on the state of your teeth, you can have your makeover in the “twinkle of an eye” due to advances in technology. But are you really ready for a smile makeover? If you are, then a consultation is the first step in the right direction. This post is all about how to get the most out of your appointment.

Things to Know Before Going for a Smile Makeover

A smile makeover as the name sounds is a process of transforming your smile into a more attractive smile by using one or a combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Examples of dental treatments include white filling, Invisalign, dental caps, teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, crowns, and a gum lift. Despite the peculiarities of each person, the end goal is usually the same, a more confident and attractive smile. These peculiarities inform the choice of procedure(s) for each person, depending on the dental conditions and the end goal the person is aiming for.

While dentists can make recommendations, the choice usually lies with you especially in cases where two procedures can fix a problem. For example crooked or open teeth can be fixed with porcelain veneer or with orthodontic braces. While veneers are faster, they are merely cosmetic and don’t fix the underlying issues. In cases of missing tooth, dental implants, dentures, dental bridges are all viable options. In addition to these major treatments, basic procedures such as teeth whitening can be used in tandem to achieve better results.

How Should You Prepare For Your Smile Makeover Consultation?

  1. Be Ready to talk about your fears and concerns

If you desire the best solution to your dental condition, you’ll need to be open with your cosmetic dentist. Before you get there, ask yourself why you don’t like to smile. Ask yourself what your biggest worry is concerning the look of your smile. Be certain about the concerns you want your cosmetic dentist to fix. Don’t go with a closed mind.

  1. Set Goals

As I mentioned earlier, the option is always with the patient and your choices should be influenced by the goals you set. Try as much as possible to express this/these goal(s) to your dentist. If there are multiple concerns with your dentition, ask yourself which one you will like to address immediately. Set a priority list if you can, and deal with each one after the other.

  1. Listen to the options you have

After communicating your goals and concerns to your dentist, it is expedient to listen to the options available for each of your concerns. Dr. Alex Rubinov will carefully list the options and explain to you in details what each procedure entails as well as the associated cost for each. Depending on the options you pick from the ones available, you can even get a simulation of how your smile will look like at the end of the procedure.

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