TMJ Treatment | Dr. Alex Midtown NYC Cosmetic Dentist

TMJ Treatment in NYC

The Temporo Mandibular Joint or TMJ is responsible for connecting the mobile lower jaw with the skull. It is responsible in allowing proper jaw movement while opening and closing one’s mouth. It can affect our ability to swallow, chew, and talk. Any problem related to malfunctioning of this joint can cause muscle spasms and disc location. At the worse, it can lead to other health issues ranging from headaches and dizziness to stiff neck and ear pain. All these symptoms need TMJ Treatment.

TMJ Treatment Consultation

TMJ Treatment Consultation

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What Is TMJ Treatment?

TMJ treatment is used to treat TMJ symptoms like misalignment of the joint and the teeth. It includes a wide range of treatment that includes using moist and cold packs, eating soft foods, taking over-the-counter medications, injections, and surgery among others. Treatment is usually administered depending on the symptoms that need to be treated and their severity.

Why Get TMJ Treatment?

TMJ Treatment includes the following benefits:

  • It ends the pain

    It is capable of getting rid of TMJ symptoms while also focusing on pain removal.

  • It lessens risk of damage

    It can get rid of bruxism, or heavily grinding of the teeth caused by TMJ symptoms.

  • It makes you look forward to eating again

    With lesser pain, patients will start eating the foods they have been missing.

The Process of Getting TMJ Treatment

TMJ treatment will only be given to patients who have undergone proper diagnosis. An x-ray, muscle test, or examination of the patient’s mouth will be performed by orthodontists and other experts. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment will start. The treatment may involve the use of a TMJ splint, a removable piece of plastic that acts as a special bite appliance. This is placed between the teeth and helps guide the lower jaw into the right position. As the treatment goes, the joint is given time to rest and heal.

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Why Choose Dr. Alex
TMJ Treatment In NYC

At Dr. Alex, our patients are well-taken care of no matter what their dental-related concerns are. Our dental services include a wide range of treatments including TMJ treatment. We are a leading NYC cosmetic dental practitioner and we use the latest equipment to help treat our patients. We have an unwavering commitment to provide excellent services to our patients at all times. With us, you can be sure that you will leave our dental clinic with a smile.

Get to know more about our TMJ treatment and how it can help you feel better with an existing TMJ disorder. Contact us at Dr. Alex Midtown NYC dental offices to find out more!