Functional Orthodontics in NYC
If you thought there was only one way used to straighten or align your teeth, then you might be surprised to learn that there isn’t. Dentists also use functional orthodontics to perform this task. Functional orthodontics can be used to treat adults and children, but not before the age of 7 years.

Functional Orthodontics Consultation
What Are Functional Orthodontics?
Functional orthodontics are generally used to help correct an overbite. An orthodontist fits you with a removable brace for both the top and bottom parts of your mouth. It is designed to pull your teeth together, ensuring that when you bite, both sets of teeth align. It works by forcing your lower jaw to “jut” out to meet your upper jaw. This stretches the jaw muscles, which in turn is transferred to your teeth.
Why Get Functional Orthodontics?
The main reasons for choosing functional orthodontics are:
Correcting prominent teeth
Functional orthodontics can bring a misaligned tooth into line with the rest of the teeth.
Reducing an overbite
If either your top teeth or your bottom teeth jut out a lot further than the other then your bite can be affected. This can make it difficult to chew or can cause a pain in your jaw when chewing.
The Process of Getting Functional Orthodontics
The orthodontist will need to take a mold of both the bottom and the top of your teeth as the brace has to be custom-made to the shape and size of your mouth to work correctly. Once you have the brace fitted, you will notice it feels very strange in your mouth. It might feel as though it is” too big” but this will take a little time to get used to. You may also find yourself producing a lot of saliva, as your jaw is being held in a different position. This is all perfectly normal.
Popular FAQs for Functional Orthodontics
Will I be able to eat normally?
You might not think so at first, but you will become used to the brace and will be able to accommodate it when eating. You can, of course, remove it at mealtimes, but this would be counter-productive.
How long will the treatment take?
There are two phases to functional orthodontics and the full treatment of both phases should be completed in about 2-3 years, but everyone is different and responds at different rates. The brace will have to be adjusted periodically to bring the teeth into line and this has to be done with slow reductions of around 1mm a month.
How do I clean my teeth?
You need to remove the dental brace to clean your teeth and then you clean them as normal.

Why Choose Dr. Alex
Functional Orthodontics In NYC
Dr. Alex’s practice has treated many patients with functional orthodontics. Patients know and trust his expertise and that is why they return time and again for their treatment. There are often several generations of families being treated by the practice, which is testament to the care and devotion they receive.
Make an appointment with Dr. Alex Midtown NYC dental offices for your initial assessment today.