Adult Orthodontics | Dr. Alex Midtown NYC Cosmetic Dentist

Adult Orthodontics in NYC

In the past, not everyone has parents that will be able to take them to the dentist. This may be through no fault of the parents; they may be unable to afford the dentistry care. Of course, there are some people that are neglected in childhood and their needs are not fully met. Whatever the reason, if you did not receive regular dental care as a child, you may be surprised to learn that adult orthodontics can help you now. There is no upper age limit to seeking help from your dentist, so why not take the first step today.

Adult Orthodontics Consultation

Adult Orthodontics Consultation

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What Are Adult Orthodontics?

Adult orthodontics can help you with a range of dentistry needs. There is a growing trend for adults to have braces on teeth that need aligning or straightening. Although it is better to receive this treatment as a child, the teeth still respond to this treatment as an adult.

Why Get Adult Orthodontics?

There are many reasons why adult orthodontics have become more popular. For example:

  • Overcrowding can be corrected

    Overcrowding of teeth can cause gum disease as well as look unsightly. They can often affect a person’s bite as well.

  • Regain confidence

    Dealing with crooked or misaligned teeth can really improve a person’s smile.

  • Decrease tooth extraction

    Tooth extraction does not have to be unavoidable. Adult orthodontics can help you take care of your teeth in a more proactive way.

The Process of Getting Adult Orthodontics

Your dentist will assess all areas of your teeth and gums when you visit. They may advise certain treatments or interventions. All of these suggestions will be for your benefit and will help you keep your teeth in the best condition for as long as possible.

Dr Alex White Dress

Why Choose Dr. Alex
Adult Orthodontics In NYC

Dr. Alex has many adult patients that have approached him for the first time. He is very well versed in the importance of an adult taking that first step to improving the well-being of their oral health and is sensitive to their needs. By explaining the full choices available he will help you make one of the most important decisions in your life. Contact Dr. Alex Midtown NYC dental offices with confidence and you will soon be on the first step to making your smile wonderful.