Everything You Need To Know About Cosmetic Dentistry | Dr. Alex Midtown NYC Cosmetic Dentist

Everything You Need To Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry aims to improve your smile by fixing a variety of elements in your teeth. Not all of us are born with perfect teeth and sometimes we feel the need to make some changes to our teeth in order to improve our appearance. Cosmetic dentistry involves different things to different people depending on what is being fixed. For example, for some people, it involves changing the hue of the teeth to typically make them brighter. For others., it might involve straightening the teeth and much more. Here is everything you need to know about cosmetic dentistry.

Why It Matters

While it is easy to dismiss everything with the prefix ‘cosmetic’ as frivolous, this statement is rarely ever true. As noted in the earlier chapter, few of us are ever born with perfect teeth and this means that we do tend to suffer from a bad smile which in turn can affect our confidence levels. In addition to this, many Americans may have little access to proper dental care. This means that a lot of anomalies that could have easily been corrected are not corrected early. Some of these anomalies include gaps between teeth, misaligned bites, and so on. Some of these conditions, if unresolved, can lead to medical problems such as TMJ, breathing issues, and much more. 

Cosmetic dentistry can fix most if not all of these problems even in later stages of life, resulting in a healthier physical and social life.

How Do I Know What I Need?

As noted earlier, different people have different cosmetic dentistry needs. What this means is that you are likely to work with your cosmetic dentist to understand what your actual needs are. Some people need several procedures before they can get the smile they are looking for. This may include dental implants to replace missing teeth, teeth whitening, and so on. For others, veneers might be all it takes to rectify small gaps between teeth or chipped teeth.

What is The Procedure?

Typically, the journey starts with a review of your status by a dentist. Having determined the starting point on your journey to a perfect smile, the next step is to have a conversation about your smile goals or what you want to achieve. Once this is understood, your dentist will map out a road map that will get you to the smile of your dream. Depending on the procedures to be done, it may involve one or two visits for simple procedures such as veneers or weeks/months in case of more complex procedures. 

Your dentist may have to fix underlying medical conditions before the journey may start. For example, if periodontal disease has eaten away at your jaw mass, some bone grafting may be needed in order to ensure that the incoming tooth implant is strongly anchored. Other common procedures are done before cosmetic dentistry may start to include deep clans and bite alignment.  If you are looking for a dental practice in New York that offers top-quality dental care, come to Dr. Alex Rubinov. Our practice has plenty of experience dealing with all matters pertaining to cosmetic dentistry. We use the latest equipment to help you get the smile that you have always desired. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment.

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