Dentists often advise pregnant women to take extra care when undergoing any medical procedure. This is because whatever affects the mother may have an effect on the child that they are carrying. Given the fact that the child’s body may not be as robust as that of the mother, it is often advisable to have a chat with your dentist about the effects of a dental procedure when carrying a pregnancy.
In this article, we explore how you should go about getting a cosmetic dental procedure when pregnant.
Timing Matters
While the effects of a cosmetic dental procedure differ based on the nature of the process, the stage in which you are is also critical. Dentists will often advise mothers to avoid intrusive dental procedures during the first trimester. This is because the baby is growing rapidly during that time and can be affected by extensive surgical procedures on the mother. Beyond this period, you have greater leeway over the cosmetic dental procedures that you can undertake. Regardless of the pregnancy stage that you are at, it is still advisable to have a chat with your dentist about the effect of the procedure on the unborn child.
A number of cosmetic dental procedures require X-rays to be taken. For example, when undergoing a dental implant procedure, your dentist will probably need to take X-rays of your jaw area in order to determine if there is any loss of bone mass and so on. The good news is that modern X-rays are designed to emit very low levels of radiation. At such levels, it is unlikely that getting an X-ray done will do any harm to your unborn child.
Many dental procedures require the use of anesthesia in order to eliminate discomfort. However, many expectant women worry that the anesthesia might have an effect on their child. The truth is that it depends on the procedure and the anesthesia that will be used. Generally speaking, your dentist will determine what anesthesia is suitable. If the use of anesthesia might affect the baby, your dentist will probably advise you to postpone the procedure until after the pregnancy.
One of the factors that expectant mothers worry about is the risk of infection after a dental procedure. For example, a root canal procedure might lead to a gum infection which in turn may affect the baby. If you are working with an experienced dentist, the probability of this taking place is very low. Your dentist will probably consider all these factors before going ahead with the procedure. He or she will also ensure frequent follow-ups after the surgery in order to nip any potential problems in the bud.
Dr. Alex Rubinov is an experienced dental practitioner in New York. The practice offers a range of services including teeth whitening, smile makeovers, cosmetic dentistry, and orthodontics, to name but a few. Contact the team at (718) 253-0800 for an appointment.